CostCenter construction cost library
CostBook construction data transparency

CostBook Database Overview

With the most detailed construction data available, our out-of-the-box solution features over 40,000 unit cost items and 2,000 assemblies that are researched, validated, and routinely updated by experienced cost engineers. We have a fully dedicated team of cost engineers, with decades of specialty field experience, to source the information needed to back our mission. Our CostBook database is accessible when you subscribe to either of our cost estimating tools: CostBase or CostPro. Both solutions feature an intuitive and flexible organization of cost items so you can find what you need faster.

Reliable Cost Data

When you use our cost book with CostPro, you’ll be able to get the full functionality of what CostCenter offers. Your estimates are only as accurate as the data you base it on. Eliminate the guesswork out of your estimation process by getting access to reliable construction data that gets regular updates and can respond quickly to market changes.

Transparent & Verifiable

We don’t hide how we get our numbers. Users can view any item in our database to see the source, quote dates, and exact price. This transparency is how we empower users to create the most accurate detailed estimate possible. When combined with the robust features of our estimating software, users can make mass changes quickly and not have to worry about modifiers not populating in various aspects of their estimates. Our applications communicate these changes within seconds.

Get access to our entire cost data by subscribing to CostBase or CostPro.

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Detailed construction cost data

40,000+ searchable unit line items, with location-specific costs covering all 50 states.

NEW! Assemblies

Access 2,000+ pre-built assemblies.

Free Monthly Updates

Why wait until next year’s publication update? Our construction unit cost database gets monthly updates.

Cost data for modern construction materials

Includes pricing for emergent, high-demand construction materials such as concrete siding, composite materials, and green building materials. It’s simple. We don’t grow our database by including dated items. We keep a pulse of the industry and add new items that ensures all your estimates are accurate and compliant with current industry standards.

Intuitive and flexible organization of cost items

Cost items include material-only costs and dedicated work breakdown structure (WBS).

Accurate cost data

All tasks include material detail, giving you the ability to review, modify and price individual cost components.

Cloud, SaaS, Web-Based Technology

Developed on the latest technology to address modern-day estimation needs.